Home Dashboard

The screen you'll see most in Zendesk is your home dashboard:

1.  Open Tickets that have been assigned to you personally and for the entire team.  "Your" tickets can be assigned by another member of the team, or they are a reply from someone you are currently helping.  The whole team's total is also available, and should be 0 when you leave for the day.

2.  Ticket Statistics reflect your ratings only.  How many Good or Bad reviews, and how many total solved tickets is updated immediately.

3.  Satisfaction Statistics shows the percentage for both you and the team over the last 60 days.  Of the surverys returned, the percentage is how many are good

4.  Ticket Number is helpful when tracking specific tickets

5.  Subject Line is whatever the customer titles their question

6.  Requester is who submits the ticket

7.  Updated time is helpful when deciding which ticket needs to be answered first.  We respond in chronological order, or as close to that as possible.  In this example, the ticket at the top was only responded to 12 minutes ago, so I would answer the next one before it as they submitted their ticket in the early morning/before.

8.  We only have one Group

9.  Assignee is who has taken ownership of the ticket

10.  The Color of the icon next to a ticket indicates "Priority".  Yellow will have an "N" in it, and is new.  Reddish has an "O" and is Open or high priority.  A reply from a customer is an Open ticket, and if it has been untouched for 24 hours it will move up to high priority.

11.  An Eyeball next to a ticket means someone else is currently viewing it.  If you hover over the eye it will show you who!

1.  Home


3.  Customer Lists (Ignore)

4.  Reporting

5.  Settings

6.  Recently updated tickets will show here.

Top Right

1.  Search for any name, email, or keyword.  This is helpful for tracking individual user's tickets and if a reply may have gone to a different email address.  It's REALLY helpful when researching past issues and how they were handled.

2.  Tymeshift tracks how long each ticket takes and provides valuable productivity metrics to see what projects can reasonably be assigned outside of tickets

3.  Chat should be on as often as possible!  Clicking it will open the chat window and take you "Online"

4.  The more fun your picture, the less likely people are to hate you

Merging Duplicate Tickets

Sometimes people get antsy and submit multiple tickets.  To avoid confusion and answers from multiple people, merge them into one.  Just remember to answer every question!

1.  Select the most recent ticket

2.  Click the arrow for options

3.  Choose to merge the ticket

4.  Select the ticket you want to merge it with

5 & 6.  Uncheck these boxes.  When the user gets any notification they will be confused and look for the reply- but there won't be one yet!

7.  Confirm!