
The Reporting page is pretty interesting, definitely take time looking at the different metrics both for yourself and the whole group.

Our most important reported numbers are the Satisfaction and Response rates.  Obviously we want a very high satisfaction percentage, but we also need a high response rate to make sure the satisfaction is accurate.  If we have a 100% satusfaction rate, because only two people have responded to the survey it isn't really an accurate representation.

We want to see the satisfaction and response percentages for the previous 30 days.  You can keep track of your own ratings and changes for any time period, but as a group we reference 30 days.

The average satisfaction percentage will show on the Overview, but you'll want to go into Satisfaction specifically to see the details.

Satisfaction and Response Rate

Still looking at a 30 day time frame, you'll see the total satisfaction rate and the response rate.  We shoot for between 25-30% for responses.

If you're finding that the response rate is low, there are a few things you can do to try and raise that up.  The customers who respond to the survey are usually either very happy or very mad.  We want the middle ground, "I got my answer I'm good" people to respond to the survey.

The best way to do that is to go above and beyond to put them in the 'very happy' group.  There is also a "Feedback" macro.  You can send that to the people who say "Okay thanks" but aren't overly enthusiatic as a way to encourage them to respond.