Subscription Functions

After logging in at, choose either Proofer or Fundy Suite.  The functions are the same for each database.  

Find a Customer

1. Search name or email address to locate account.

2.  Will open Apple Mail to send email (don't click this option).

3.  Click on the product to access the account information

Within Subscription

The functions we use:

1. Summary:  First page of subscription.  Shows product, billing cycle and history, coupons, and status of the account

2.  Components:  Check Pro Enhancements subscription.  Use gear to turn Enhancements on or off.  **More information on Component history and toggling available HERE

3.  Statements:  Choose statement number to view details, or send another copy to the client

4.  Transactions: If customer requests refund, or credit from a Proofer to Pro Enhancements account

5.  Payment Details:  Use to view or update payment information.  Email the customer to update, as opposed to taking information to edit yourself.

6.  Customer Details: If the client needs to change their email, you can do that here by clicking Actions > Edit or by clicking the client's name in their profile.

Subscription Actions

Functions we most commonly use:

1.  Process Refund:  Choose a transaction to refund, and the amount.  It can be a partial or total amount.

2.  Record External Payment: Apply a remaining Proofer balance to the next Pro Enhancements charge

3.  Initiate Cancellation: If customer wants to cancel immediately, or doesn't want to renew their subscription.

This is specific to Design Proofer. You would not utilize this function for a Pro Enhancements subscription.

-Cancel Immediately: This is the option you choose if a customer has cancelled just after renewal (and you're processing a refund) or if the customer's subscription is due to renew very soon.

-Cancel at End of Period: This is the option you'll choose if the customer still has a good amount of time left on their subscription (e.g. 2 months on a prepaid year). This way the subscription will automatically cancel instead of renew at the end of the paid subscription.

4.  View Self-Service Page:  If customer is having trouble with the "Update Payment" email or page, you can send them the direct link

Other Functions

All of this information is useful, but there are a few key items:

1.  Status:  Is the customer trialing, active, past due, or inactive?  ** Past Due will require a payment update

2.  Change Product:  Move from one item or license to another

3.  Manage Coupon:  Coupons can be applied by us or by the customer

4.  Next or Change Billing Date: Anytime a subscription is changed (product, payment added, etc), let the customer know the next date and amount.  If the billing date needs to be changed for any reason (extend trial period, etc), do so here