Add or Find a Lab

When looking for a lab, use the "Lab Management" category in Command Center.  Command Center defaults open to "User Management".

Search by email address or lab name!

Lab Options

1.  If a lab needs to be made available in a particular server, toggle it to True or False

2.  How to tell is a lab is Direct or not

3.  Account holder's user information

4.  Product sizing and information

5.  Direct orders

6.  Sales and Promotions options

Adding a New Lab

Creating a new lab requires an individual user account that has been created as a "Partner" with the correct company name. To add a new user, look here

**Always create a new lab's account in the Development server first

Gift that account with the full suite of licenses so they can run tests internally

Once the user account has been created, you'll be able to go back to Lab Management and search for the new lab by name or email.

After the lab is created, your most likely next step will be to integrate their product data.  To add album data, look here!  For wall art, over here!

If you need to make Direct integration changes, this is your process.