Payment Disputes

Check for payment disputes in Braintree and Paypal once or twice per week, as there is a time limit for responses. Follow the steps below for processing disputes:

For Braintree disputes:

1. Log into Braintree.

2. Go to Disputes in the top menu.

3. Go to the “Needs Response” tab to see if there are any open disputes. 

4. Full price one-time purchase software disputes = legit fraud.

  • Copy email address.
  • Find account in CCpro and remove license.
  • Cancel account effective immediately in Chargify (reason = fraud).
  • From the No-Reply email account, send “Fundy Software License Revoked” email (check the sent box for similar emails to copy/paste).

5. Pro Suite lease disputes need to be disputed, unless they are very obviously fraudulent.

  • Dispute options will vary slightly, but you'll typically choose the "digital goods delivered" option. 
  • As evidence, provide any relevant tickets, the customer's lease statement, screenshot of last login, and screenshots of the cart and FAQ stating our return policy.
  • If there's a box to enter a paragraph, explain our lease and return policies.
  • Do not remove the license or cancel their account unless we lose the dispute.

6. Pro Enhancements disputes need to be disputed, otherwise we will be charged a fee.

  • Copy email address.
  • Locate accounts in CCpro and Chargify, cancel and refund subscription.
  • Create a ticket for the user (search “dispute in ZD” for similar tickets to copy/paste) and save a PDF copy to your desktop (use print ticket option). 
  • Dispute charge in Braintree, using the PDF copy of the ticket and refund receipt as evidence.

7. For any expired disputes in Braintree, remove PE subscription or software license depending on the dispute type.

8. Argue disputes for direct orders.

  • Provide a copy of the order invoice, screenshot of order status from lab, and/or tracking info as evidence.
  • Include PDF of any related tickets.

***Regularly run dispute report to check if we lost any cases and need to cancel/remove licenses from those accounts.

For Paypal disputes:

1. Log into Paypal using ID/PW from 1pass.

2. Go to the Activity tab in top menu and select Open Cases under the Resolution Center option.

3. Click the Open Cases icon to view any disputes that need to be responded to.

4. For any open cases, click Dispute and select “will process refund outside of Paypal” to find out user name and email address.

5. Locate user accounts in CCPro or Chargify, cancel PE or remove software license depending on dispute type.

6. Create a ticket for the user, using other “dispute” tickets in ZD as a macro.