Creating an Article

Writing a new Article can be fun!  Once you know the tools and process it's very simple.

First, either click on the name of the article you want to edit or choose to "Create an Article"

Basic Options

Your next window will have your basic functions for this Article, such as moving it to a different Chapter or Downloading it as a PDF.

They are fairly self explanitory.

We most oftenly use "Edit", and don't worry about an Owner.

Edit Options

You can edit an article either online in the web browser, or within the desktop application.  The following instructions are for the Desktop Application because I find it much easier to use.


1.  When you close an Article, choose to either "Save as Draft" or "Save & Publish".  For the public site it's a good idea to save as a draft and have it proofread.  If it's a small change or for internal use only it's usually fine to publish.

2.  If you hate what you wrote, go ahead and delete it.  The Article will revert back to before you opened it.

3.  One of the most important tools:  This is what will take a screenshot!

4.  The article layed out by Heading, with the order of each Text line and Image shown.  You can click and drag a step if necessary, or right click to copy, delete, or move the step.

Adding a Step

We most commonly add a "Heading" or "Text" step, if not an image.

Images can be added using the Screenshot tool or by importing from your computer.

The easiest way to add a step is to hover over the space you need it, and click on the gray circle that appears.

Adding and Editing a Screenshot

You can add a Screenshot at any time using the icon at the top left.  Use the arrow to choose how long of a delay you need to get the desired page ready.

Once an image (screenshot of imported) has been added as a step, clicking on it will give you a toolbar along the top to give edit options.

1.  Take screenshot

2.  Add content to article

3.  Select an item

4.  Move images within same space

5.  Add an arrow to the image

6.  Add a box

7.  Add an oval

8.  Highlight

9.  Add numbers

10.  Add Text

11.  Add a "Blurred" box for privacy reasons

If a tool has options within it (arrow direction, line color, etc) they will appear on the right side once the tool is selected.

Adding and Editing Text

When adding text to either a heading or text step you will have a toolbar of options- luckily these are the standard icons across almost all text programs!