Monthly Lab Remittance
On the 5th day of each month we process remittance for our Direct Labs to pay for the cost of goods sold. Each lab is slightly different, so this document breaks down those differences.
Pull a remittance report for each lab from Command Center:
- In Command Center, click Lab Management
- Click the Price Tag icon next to the lab you’re pulling the report for
- Click Accounts Payable
- Click Create New Report
- Date the report as the last day of the previous month
- The discount for Finao is 7%.
- Finao invoices every two months.
- Pull the remittance report from Command Center
- Verify the invoices from Finao against the Command Center report
- We have a special relationship with LUSH. LUSH Album orders can only be placed through Fundy Direct.
- Pull the remittance report from Command Center
- Pull the LUSH remittance report here:
- Use the Finao invoice for LUSH to enter the cost of goods in the above spreadsheet. MAKE SURE TO ENTER AS A NEGATIVE so it subtracts from the total.
- We split the profit (after cost of production) with LUSH 50/50. We then donate half of our proceeds to Beautiful Together, Tamara Lackey’s charity.
- Example: if you see the received total is 1000, but the cost to make those albums was 750 and that is what we are paying to finao, then we only have 250 in actual profit that we are splitting with lush but we donate half our profit to their charity, beautiful together. so our 125 would then be split again. we keep 62.50 and donate 62.50 so the order would break down:
- 750 to Finao for LUSH
- 125 to LUSH
- 62.50 to BT
Renaissance Albums:
- Discount is 13%, shipping not included.
- We typically owe less than remittance.
- Long turn around for albums, so they only bill us for shipped orders.
- Email total to accounting & J.M.
- See separate SOP.
Past Direct Partners
Bay Photo (turned off in 2020):
- We receive a 20-25% discount on orders, but this is not applicable to shipping.
- Dulcie Hawley sends an invoice from Bay Photo outlining the orders, reflecting the 20% discount
- Shipping is on its own line on the invoice and is not discounted
- If the statement is short, verify all line items. If a long invoice, verify a random sampling.
Loxley (turned off in 2019):
- Discount is 15%, shipping not included.
- Send us invoices periodically, but we do not pay them until we reach £1000.
- Review each order and make sure the numbers are correct before forwarding to accounting.
Design Aglow (shuttered on 9/1/2022):
- Always correct
- Click paper plane icon to email statement from Command Center