Create Coupon

Create a coupon code UNDER one of the ambassador codes in Chargify. Instead of creating a main code, you will locate the 2020 Ambassador code (100% off forever) and create a sub-code for yourself using your full name in all caps. Here are step-by-step instructions for this process:

1. Go to You can find the login information in 1Password.

2. From the dashboard page, click on the Catalog tab on the left side, then select Products.

3. Scroll down (almost to the bottom of the page) to the Coupons section. From there, click on the View All Coupons button.

4. Type in Ambassador in the search bar and hit enter/click search.

5. Find the 2020 Ambassador coupon (should be at top of the list) and click the Manage Codes button.

6. Click the Import Codes button.

7. Enter your own personal code, then click Add Codes to Coupon button.

8. Once your code has been successfully created, log out of Chargify and go to the Fundy store page to purchase the v10 Pro Suite. You can enter your code at checkout to bring the balance down to $0. You'll need to enter a credit or debit card to complete the transaction, but you won't be charged anything