Social Media Analytics
Go to this spreadsheet on Google Drive
Facebook Page
Open the Facebook page and select Meta Business Center from the left. Then select Content from the menu on the left and Export Data on the top.
For Facebook, select Published and Performance for metrics and input the Monday-Sunday period for which you are running the report for. For Instagram, use the same dates and have Posts selected
You will get to CSV files, open in Excel and delete the columns that are not found in the google drive document and any rows that say they are an image post. The columns do not always export in the same order, so you may have to rearrange the google drive columns before copying and pasting that information into the drive document.
Facebook Group
After logging into Andrew's Facebook account, go into the Storyteller group. I like to sort based on Recent posts. Then scroll through and see which posts seemed to be the most engaged with and/or had the most reach. You can see these stats under the post (reach is only shown for Andrew's account).
Duplicate the most recent FB group tab and add the new date and bring it to the front. Add the stat information for each post in the group for that Monday-Sunday time period. Add a new row at the bottom with the date from last week and stats before deleting and adding this weeks.
**This can also be done by logging into the Fundy Software inc page, and going to the storytellers group
Login to Buffer using the marketing email in One Pass. You will see Analyze at the top. Choose reports on the right and run the Weekly Analyics Report and the Tag Specific report. Attach these to your email.
Share with supervisor
After you are done filling out the document, send to Marketing manager, Karen, and Fundy.