Access Admin Portal


The AlbumWorks admin portal can be found here:


You can use your Fundy email address and password to log in. Please note: If you're unable to log in using those credentials, contact your supervisor for help.

What next?

From the main dashboard, you can view click User to look up and view user accounts. Click on Logand you'll be able to look up error logs. At this time, the Partners button does not do anything.

When clicking USERS to locate an end user's account. Use the search bar in the top left to search for a user by name or email.

Double click the user ID to view account details.

Use the dropdown menu in the top right to choose which white label the client uses. You can then use the "Sign in with Google" (or Facebook) to log in as the user and see what they see, view their albums etc.

To log into the main (non-White Label) AW page, leave this box blank and simply click the Sign In button.

Once signed in as the user from the Admin page, you should see a list of albums the user has created.

If you do not see any albums, try logging in using the Facebook sign in button or by going back to select a different white label page from the dropdown. You can also respond to the user to verify that they've given you the correct name or email address for the account.